As with the tablecloths there was a bit of tin swapping going on
Oh the indulgence of having an 'After Eight' at 15.00!
Because of great need these little espresso cups were bought in the few days prior to Christmas of the Eve - all different colours - six of them for 3.99....came from France originally I think
Paper decorations from the 30s I think - lovely colours still
Same tablecloth - different plates...
Me with my Brussels - I paid the price later.....
Detail on a different Christmas tablecloth
These little decorations came from a charity shop the week prior - this time 99p for a little pile - no idea if they are old or not but looked nice
A bit of a mixed bag of photos
On the Thursday before Christmas I was teaching up in Camden for a couple of hours - naturally I swung by the local Oxfam before wending my way home (others may have made more of their time in London with a trip to John Lewis...). A fairly trendy Ox in Camden - but in a basket of festive goodness by the counter were several items from the 1960s - the man said I could have the lot for £2. I will show those next year!
I keep my allium seed heads all year round. Tin expose kept for next year too I think - though I have got rid of some of them they seem to multiply so no shortage...oh dear
My egg nog.....
Seasonal deers in the grate (haven't forgotten deer posting) !
Mix and match china as usual
I like things that are for specific occasions - this can be a little troublesome trying to remember but here is an old cup that is used once a year!!!!
I have been reading about 'vanity blogging' recently and thinking that this applies to me - will have a rethink for 2013 as I was always told not to be 'show offy' and here I am being 'show offy' (though it is not meant to be in a 'show offy' way if that makes any sense...not really Jenny...)
I loved this book as a child - something different to read every day of the year
Looking back I see that I did 11 posts in 2011 and a few more in 2012 - I will strike a balance in 2013.
Thank you once again for kind comments and thoughts and support and niceness
Off to meet up with my sisters later today - this is what we did last New Year - hope to speak with our brother too if satellite allows. Sorry couldn't load it here but it makes me laugh and goes to show that alcohol is not needed!!! I think that this is all set to be the next internet sensation.
Such fun and Happy New Year