Friday, 24 February 2012

Let's start a campaign to bring back jug cover thingys

Yesterday I made apple crumble as usual and of course matching custard.  Bronte chose the green jug (I do hope that I am not passing on my hoarding, obsessive behaviour,  penchant for a nice jug to my children).  As there was a short interlude whilst the custards developed a nice thick skin (Bronte and I fight for the skin) I covered the jug with my favourite (oh dear is that very sad to admit that I have a favourite) jug cover (I know there is a proper word for these but it escapes me at the moment).  Having washed the jug today I then remembered the other jug cover thingys...I stopped short of getting more jugs out...what do you think I am  !!

I love how these are made and the jingly jangly beads on them - I have some very large ones, would they be for bowls perhaps?

Whilst out and about on my bike yesterday I dropped a bag of donations to the charity shop.  I may have gone inside the shop and I may have bought the two items below - they kindly rounded the price up to 50p for the two items.  The embroidery is  tray cloth and has the same motif on both ends - interesting that it has the same colours as the egg cup. Oh dear I am sounding tooo sad - off to bed I must go.  Do join me again at 03.30 when I usually tune into the BBC World Service...


  1. Those covers are interesting, I am not familiar with this at all! Is it to stop undesirables (ie, flies) sampling the contents?

    1. Indeed - flies and unwanted fingers trying to get to the custards early!

  2. What a great little collection!! I just love these covers I have a few and use them myself (have been laughed at for doing so I might add) but I just don't understand why they aren't more popular.
    I was given a great book the other week, by a lady at my Knit and Natter Group, called Crochet covers for jugs and bowls... some amazing designs but must confess as a crochet novice I am rather daunted by the fact one needs to use .75mm hooks!

    1. They are practical and pretty don't you think. I too am laughed at (not with..) all the time - a common phrase that people say to me is:'It's very you Jenny'. MMmm. By the way I think that we are neighbours - I live in Southsea!

  3. I love these covers too and have been buying up suitable crochet doilies in the charity shops with the intention of adding glass beads. I hadn't thought of using them to stop skins forming on hot sauces - I hate that skin! Thanks for the tip.

    1. Oh no - I fear that I have misled you into thinking that the covers stop the skin formation. Sadly for you if in hate skin the covers will only stop flies and debris getting into the custards whilst the delicate process of skin formation takes place. Sorry for inadvertently creating hope!

  4. So that's where your title came from - a love of custard! Just yesterday I beaded a crochet doily (very extravagantly!)for part of my daughter-in-law's birthday present; she had requested a vintage tea set so I felt compelled to give her the works. She was genuinely thrilled with the jug cover, so perhaps the young 'uns won't need much persuading in your latest crusade!

    P.S. I hate the skin on custard, and sprinkle caster sugar thinly on top to stop the slimy stuff from forming.

  5. My mum had jug covers so I just assumed everyone had them. I don't see them in op shops very often but do have a few of my own. I think the campaign should be to bring back nice-edged hankies.

    1. Hankies would be good - I used to have lots of photos of those on Flickr but deleted them because they were being favourited by fetishists (each to their own but my children use my flickr account)!!

  6. I have some of these - mostly old ones from charity shops, but actually bought a new one from a craft fair at Christmas - people are still making them!! Can't say I share your fondness for skin on custard tho' ..... to many memories of dodgy school dinners. Vanessa

    1. I now realise that no campaign is needed as there is a thriving community of jug coverers out there!

    2. For the life of me I can't imagine why an innocent hankie can turn someone on. Not that I'm going to dwell on it.....
